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About me

Hey I’m Max Kuivenhoven, a third year illustration student at the HKU in The Netherlands. There are three things you should know about me:

– I always have 200 projects going on at the same time

– I will be the bird equivalent of an old cat human when I’m like 60

– I own so many art supplies they can cover my floor completely

More interesting for you is that I also create a lot of art, which you can find here, and sell some of it, which you can find here. And in case you want to complain about me making you read all of this you can contact me over here (but I’m open for a fun chat there as well!)

I hope you have an amazing day!

Work Experience

Januari 2021 – current
Here at Illomax I’m back at freelancing and a shop where I sell my original art work as prints and merch.

Lovely Bird
April 2018 – November 2020
As co-owner of Lovely Bird I helped manage the business, where I created and sold merchandise based on book series me and my co-owner liked.

Freelance Web designer & copywriter
February 2014 – November 2017
For three years I did a lot of freelance work, including writing copy for websites, creating websites and brands, and doing virtual assistant work.

Youth board member for JWB
May 2013 – May 2015
In my role as board member I took notes and helped where possible in the organisation of the JWB, a collective for youth councils of Dutch child social services. This was volunteer work.



2019 to 2025
As an illustration student I learn everything I need to create and visualise stories.


Media designer
Interactive design
2017 to 2019
As a media designer I was taught how to design websites, apps and more.

ROC Leiden
Commercial worker
2014 to 2015
As a commercial worker I learned everything I needed to know about sales and marketing.


After Effects
Word Suite


Every year I make a long, long list of goals I want to accomplish that year. There are no other rules than that I actively try to reach the goals throughout the year, and if I don’t that’s fine too. Here are a bunch of goals I want to reach in 2021!

[ ] Create a game
[ ] Write 12 days
[ x ] Enter an art competition
[ ] Finish 2 sketchbooks
[ x ] Make my own sketchbook
[ ] Make a poster series
[ ] Make a big poster for the hallway
[ ] Create an album cover
[ ] Finish Modern Witch
[ ] Create a sticker pack
[ ] Create my own buttons

[ ] Work on a big canvas
[ ] Work with 2 new mediums
[ ] Learn Blender
[ ] Create Instagram stickers
[ ] Create the Illomax website
[ ] Create the Illomax store
[ ] Grow original art store
[ ] Make €250 with sales on Illomax
[ ] Sell a shirt
[ ] Everything’s Fine Zine Pt 3
[ ] 5 personal projects

[ ] Read 12 books
[ ] 12 museums and/or expos
[ ] Go to the zoo
[ ] Get some plant friends
[ ] 100.000 minutes on Spotify wrapped
[ x ] Cook 3 new things
[ ] Vegetable garden
[ ] Learn to play guitar
[ ] Create a bunch of stuff you’re proud of
[ ] Get into not HKU organised expo

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